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Beef jerky, sugar babies, soccer, and Ron Paul

chewchew  Aah. SugarBabies.  Candy of choice for BethyGirl2.  BethyGirl1 chose beef jerky.  (Don’t ask, it’s junk food Friday, she’s allowed.)  After a week of staying up til 3am typing 5th grade research papers, and arguing with hardheaded oldschool educators, today was a much deserved sigh of relief.  Junk food Friday was welcomed with open arms fo sho.  School’s almost out, and everyone in my house can’t wait til it’s done.

 Last soccer game of the season tonight.  They haven’t won one yet,  and even though that’s not the most important thing, it would be really nice to go out with a win.  I’ll be cheering my soccermommy head off.  You do that too, k?

And last but not least, on this extremely random and sleepy day, I’ve discovered Ron Paul, one of the Republican nominee hopefuls.  I really like this guy, and so, of course, I’d like to share him with you all.  Cause I love you so. 🙂

He’s got more subscribers on youtube than any of the other nominees. I’m proud n stuff. Here’s a sampling of him on Bill Maher… I think ol’ Bill expected to make him look stupid, but the audience seemed to like what he had to say.  What do you think?

“A bad job is better than no job at all…”???  No, Bill, I don’t think that….

and here he is at the Republican Debate~

Food for thought. 


4 thoughts on “Beef jerky, sugar babies, soccer, and Ron Paul

  1. I think you just like his eyebrows 🙂

    But seriously, thanks for posting these – I haven’t looked at candidates too much yet, but with our state moving the primary up several weeks, guess I’d better get looking.


  2. No, he’s just the one telling you what you want to hear, not what you need to know.

    The real topics for debate haven’t even been brought out yet. Someone should ask all the candidates why that is sometime, but when dealing with the MSM, don’t hold your breath. They are more clueless than R. Paul.


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